Parcel receipt date = shipping date + delivery time


The shipping date depends on the availability of products and the selected payment method , while the delivery time depends on the delivery method you choose .


Availability of products


The time when products can be shipped by us ranges from 24 hours to several, sometimes even a dozen or so days. We make every effort to ensure that the offer presented on the website corresponds to actual stock levels, but it may happen that the actual delivery time will be longer. We have our own sewing room, so we can offer our customers a quick opportunity to replenish missing products and personalize them.

If you want fast shipping, please contact us before purchasing to make sure the product is immediately available in our warehouse.

If you order a larger number of products, the shipping time of the entire order may be longer - before purchasing, we suggest contacting us to check the availability of individual products. The order can be completed in stages - to do this, please enter an appropriate note in the order notes.